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Working for our Local Community

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About Selwood Parish Council

Selwood Parish Council covers a scattered rural community consisting of a number of hamlets and villages to the West, East and South of Frome in Somerset.

  • East Ward: Tytherington, Blatchbridge, Rodden, East and West Woodlands, Feltham.
  • West Ward: Spring Gardens, Oldford.

The two wards are represented by councillors as shown under the Parish Council tab. There is a village hall and church (St Katharine’s) in East Woodlands and All Saints Church Rodden.

Please contact the Parish Clerk if you have any needs for information to be received in a different format e.g. large print

The Parish Council has a range of duties concerned with the quality of life of our residents including:-

  • Setting the annual precept (local rate) to cover the Council’s running costs including expenditure on administration, amenity areas, grants and capital projects. Annual production of accounts for public accountability.
  •  Liaison with the local police on crime, security and traffic issues.
  •  Scrutiny and comment on planning applications within the parish, submitted to the local planning authority, Somerset Council.
  •  Liaison with local authorities on the maintenance, repair and improvement of highways, drainage, public rights of way, public transport, trees and waste issues.
  •  Support, by way of small grants, to local organisations who provide a service for the benefit of the community.
  •  Investigation and resolution of local problems and complaints received from the community.
  • View of the field on a misty morning

As the site develops we hope it will become the local access point for Selwood related matters and Local Authority services.

Next Parish Council Meeting

The next Parish Council Meeting will be held on Wednesday 2nd Oct, 2024 at 6:30 PM

This meeting will be held at East Woodlands Village Hall. Members of the public are welcome to attend; please see the agenda for more details.

Latest News

Temporary Road Closure: ttro057688E - Christchurch Street East, Frome. 24th September 2024

Please follow the link to view the above road closure; and…

Temporary Road Closure: Marston Road, Nunney, Selwood and Trudoxhill 

Reference: MD37/0524 - SD007868 - Marston Road Please be aware…